The approach of physics from a researcher's point of view has many implications and encourages a new interesting way of thinking that can be a valuable skill. For instance approaching the fundamentals of physics like is time absolute or discrete, or is there a preferred direction in time, without knowing what we know today and answering these questions in an objective way, you realise what its really like from a researcher’s point of view. (Jigyasa)
🌟 Course Description
Imagine you want to understand the World around you from scratch. You have no prior knowledge about Physics, but all the maths is available to you. How would you start? Where would you begin? (Dr Bár)
We will be adopting a researcher’s point of view and use it to re-discover physics from scratch. There will be no secrets and no buts. You will encounter physics at its full depth and breadth and have the opportunity to develop a profound and deep understanding of its intellectual foundation.
- For the physics inclined you will learn how we develop the theories to describe and understand the laws of the complex world around us, i.e. how physics works and is developed actively. You will take active part in this endeavour and learn about the intricacies of trying to understand the world by developing interpretations of how the world works using the mathematical models that describe it well enough in accordance with experiments.
- For the mathematically inclined, you will learn how to develop the maths and mathematical models to describe the world around us. We will introduce you to the theory of infinitesimals, which will allow you an easier access to, and gain a more rigorous understanding of Calculus and Differential Geometry and its applications. Much of what we will cover you will come to see again (or have seen already) during a UK A Level maths course in year 12 and 13 at various points. However, we will go the extra step and the extra depth that is typically not covered in the lessons.
- Learning to think as a researcher is the art of problem solving not just limited to maths, physics, or researchers. By way of example you will be able to learn how to tackle complex problems. This involves learning how to ask the right questions leading to a well-posed problem statement, breaking down a complex problems into simpler ones, developing and applying methods to solve the individual problems and then combine the individual steps to find answers to the original problem statement.
- You will have the opportunity to learn how to write computer simulations based on our theoretical models using the programming language Python. Python is currently one of the most widespread programming languages and very popular in the scientific community. Learning and developing programming skills is a key skill to have in the 21st century. Nowadays, computer simulations are used widely in problem solving and decision making.

🌟 How does the course work?
The course will run as follows:
- Videos with content, problems and open questions will be released every week. You will work through them independently.
- A week after the release there will be an opportunity to discuss questions, your answers to the open questions and problems in a 1h long live review meeting.
💡 It is possible to join the course at any time. The review meetings will be recorded, and it is also possible to ask questions about previous videos in future meetings, if they have not been answered in the previous review meeting.